Satisfaction of Human wants Revision Questions and answers

Human wants Revision Questions and answers

  1. State 4 characteristics of basic wants – Suggested answers
  2. Highlight 4 characteristics of capital as a factor of production – Suggested answers
  3. State 4 rewards of labour as a factor of production – Suggested answers
  4. Outline 4 difficulties faced in satisfaction of human wants – Suggested answers
  5. State 4 reasons why consumers have to make choices between competing wants – Suggested answers
  6. State 4 ways in which a firm can improve the productivity of its human resource – Suggested answers
  7. Outline 4 ways in which economic resources are useful to Kenya – Suggested answers
  8. State four difficulties consumers face when satisfying human wants – Suggested answers
  9. Mention 4 features which qualifies food as a primary want – Suggested answers
  10. Outline 4 reasons to account for continuous existence of direct production in modern society – Suggested answers
  11. State 4 characteristics of labor as a factor of production – Suggested answers
  12. State 4 reasons why shelter is a basic want. – Suggested answers
  13. State 4 characteristics of human wants – Suggested answers
  14. State 4 reasons why consumers try to satisfy basic wants before secondary wants – Suggested answers
  15. State 4 occupations a person may engage in at the primary level of production – Suggested answers
  16. State 4 ways in which clothing satisfies human wants – Suggested answers
  17. Highlight four situations in which the opportunity cost concept may be used – Suggested answers
  18. State four features of economic resources – Suggested answers
  19. Outline four benefits accrued from application of modern technology in the production sector – Suggested answers
  20. Explain the benefits of indirect production to a consumer – Suggested answers
  21. Explain five benefits that may accrue to a producer who encourages division of labour and specialization – Suggested answers
  22. Explain four types of utilities created by production – Suggested answers
  23. Highlight four measures a consumer may under take to satisfy the unlimited wants – Suggested answers
  24. Highlight 4 reasons for making choices between competing wants – Suggested answers
  25. Explain five features of human want apart from the fact that they require resources to satisfy. – Suggested answers
  26. Explain 5 characteristics of economic resources – Suggested answers
  27. Explain some of the problems encountered by consumers as they try to satisfy their wants. – Suggested answers

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