Economic development and planning Revision Questions and Answers

1. Outline any four problems encountered in development planning in Kenya
2. Mention any four obstacles faced by the Kenyan government in realizing its development planning .
3. Outline four indicators of underdevelopment
4. Highlight four circumstances under which a country may be classified as underdeveloped
5. Highlight three goals of development
6. Describe four reasons why it is important for Kenya to prepare a proper development plan
7. Highlight four characteristics of good development plan

1. Discuss five principles of taxation
2. Highlight distinguishing features between developing and developed countries.
3. Explain five obstacles in the implementation of development plans in the developing countries
4. Every third world country aspires to develop but it is faced with some obstacles. Explain five of such obstacles to economic development
5. Every third world country aspires to develop but it is faced with some obstacles. Explain five of such obstacles to economic development
6. Explain five factors that have frustrated economic development in a developing country like Kenya for the last few decades
7. The national budget is drawn before the beginning of every financial year by the government discuss five functions it plays as a planning tool
8. Explain five challenges that Kenya is facing in the implementation of her development plans
9. a) Explain five changes that may take place when a country is experiencing economic development

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