Security measures likely to be effective

Safeguarding the office premises

Closing all doors, windows and sky lights

A fool proof burglar alarm system should be installed to alert security staff

Compound should be regularly patrolled by security staff

Regulating the entry of visitors

  • Entry of all visitors should be checked
  • There should preferably be only entrance of visitors
  • Preferably each visitor should be provided with a pass
  • Unless well known to the office a visitor should be allowed to visit the department he has business with
  • Brief cases of visitors should be checked at the entry point

Security regulations for the staff

Each member of the staff should be vetted for security during recruitment

  • Security regulation for the staff should be trained carefully in consultation with the representatives
  • Each employee should be issued with an identity card with photograph and signature of the person
  • Each employee irrespective of seniority should be asked to identify himself
  • Regulation should provide for checking of briefcases and package of staff at the same time of entry and exist
  • Protecting confidentiality of mail and communication systems

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