Role of Ministry of commerce (Trade and Industry)

The ministry is responsible for the promotion and development of home and foreign trade. It regulates the retail and wholesale trade and provides some advisory services to the traders. It takes on measures to increase the exports of Kenya products in over seas. It also controls the imports of goods from other countries.

It has three main departments.

  1. Administration
  2. Department of internal trade
  3. Department of external trade

Administration department

It is responsible for all administration of the ministry and all policies are formulated by these department.

Department of Internal trade

It is divided into the following sections.

  1. Weight and measures
  2. Market research and essential supplies
  3. Trade development, licensing and external service
  4. Import/export licensing.
  5. Business premises rent control tribunal.

Department of external trade

This department is responsible for promoting the Kenya exports in the international market. This department makes bilateral and multi-lateral trade agreements with other countries. It has the following two sections.

  1. Kenya external trade authority (K.E.T.A)
  2. Trade policy and external trade relation


1. Kenya external trade authority (K.E.T.A)

The Main function functions are;

  1. Marketing of Kenya products in foreign markets
  2. Advising the manufacturers how to improve the quality of their products in order to get bigger market oversees
  3. Arranging the trade fairs and exhibitions in foreign countries to introduce Kenya products in those countries.
  4. Publishing and providing the information on the possibilities of the expansion of exports.
  5. Providing trade facilities on export matters or freight information and to negotiate with transport companies on the behalf of exporters.
  6. Providing training facilities on export matters.
  7. Encouraging the production and marketing of handicrafts.

2. Trade policy and External Relation section

This is responsible to formulate and implement foreign trade policies. It also sets import tariffs and controls. It deals with regional organization like European Economic Community (E.E.C) and preferential trade area (PTA) have great impact on the foreign trade of Kenya.

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