Participation of the Government through Parastatals

Some of the parastatals set up by the government include;

Industrial and commercial development cooperation (I.C.D.C)

It was established in 1954 to provide the financial facilities in the field of commerce and industry. It was required to;

  1. Help African industrialist and traders to expand their operation for the overall development of the country.
  2. To provide assistance in the construction of shopping centers and industrial estates.
  3. To promote the overall africanization of industry and commerce.
  4. To make investment in a wide variety of industrial and commercial enterprises.

Marketing boards

Some of these boards set up by the government of Kenya include;

  1. Coffee board of Kenya. Deals with coffee only
  2. Maize and produce bard of Kenya. It is responsible for the production and marketing of maize and other related crops.
  3. Cotton lint and seed marketing board. It is charged with the responsibility of production and marketing of cotton.
  4. Tea board of Kenya. It is responsible for the marketing of pyrethrum.

Other parastatals include – Kenya industrial estate (KIE), the development finance company of Kenya limited.(DFCK), industrial development bank( IDB), Kenya national trading corporation(KNTC).


These are those services which are provided by the central government of local authorities to the general public. The main objective of the government is to provide these services to enable the people to increase their welfare, some service of public utilities provided in Kenya are;

  • Health. Human health is very vital factor in the development of a country. It is the responsibility of the government to provide medical facilities adequately. In Kenya, health facilities are provided by central government and local authorities. Government hospitals require minimal fees. The local authorities have provided health centers to the general public.
  • Water and sewerage. Water supply is the responsibility of local authorities in urban areas. This water is supplied through pipes and it’s ensured that this water must be clean and regularly supplied. The government is also helping to establish more water project in rural areas. Sewerage facilities are also provided by local authorities in the urban areas. There is proper drainage system in all big towns. The local authorities also collect garbage, sweep the streets and keep the cities and towns clean.
  • Education. The central government and local authorities also provide education facilities. The ministry of education is responsible for establishing education institution through out the country of all levels. Primary education is provided by the local authorities in urban areas.
  • Transport and communication. The ministry of transport and communication is responsible for transport and communication facilities. The ministry of road and public work also construct and maintain roads. Kenya revenue authorities issue road license and driving license to vehicle owners.

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