What is microfilming

Is a method of retaining or keeping information by photographic records to reproduce when needed?

The record are micro-photographed and kept either on roll film micro-fiche, aperture card or jacket

  • When needed for reference the negative is shown on a screen or a copy is made.
  • Micro filming is only important only when a great multiple of permanent records must be kept e.g. office of register of births etc.


  • Save space and weight .Bulky files are replaced by compact cartons of films.
  • Documents can be sent abroad -Micro filming reduces cost of postage if information has to be sent by expensive air mail.
  • There is little risk of misplacing.
  • There is saving of filling equipment as well as floor space.
  • A film can be enlarged on a paper thus providing quick and accurate duplicate copies of the original documents.
  • A film is more durable than paper and provides a much more permanent record. A film is more wear resistant than paper.


  • A reader is required in order to refer to the inform action
  • It’s difficult to locate the information required from the film
  • Poorly prepared film will not be readable
  • It requires special equipment which is expensive
  • Specialized knowledge is required to prepare the film and to refer
  • Retrieval of information takes time

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