Health General Provisions

Cleanliness (Section 47)

(1) Every workplace shall be kept in a clean state, and free from effluvia arising from any drain, sanitary convenience or nuisance, and, without prejudice to the generality of subsection (1)—

(a) Accumulations of dirt and refuse shall be removed daily by a suitable method from the floors and benches of workrooms, and from the staircases and passages;

(b)  The floor of every workroom shall be cleaned at least once in every week by washing or, if it is effective and suitable, by sweeping or by any other method;

(c)  all inside walls and partitions, and all ceilings or tops of rooms, and all walls, sides and tops of passages and staircase, shall——

(i)  Where they have a smooth impervious surface, at least once in every period of twelve months, be washed with hot water and soap or cleaned by other suitable method;

(ii) Where they are kept painted with oil paint or varnished, be repainted or varnished at least once in every period of five years.


Overcrowding   (Section48.)

(1) An occupier shall ensure that his workplace shall not, while work is carried on, be so overcrowded as to cause risk of injury to the health of the persons employed therein.

(2) Without prejudice to the generality of subsection (1) a workplace shall be of sufficient size for work to be carried out with ease and shall further have the necessary free space and , having regard to the nature of the work ,an adequate amount of air for each


Ventilation (Section 49)

(1) An occupier shall ensure that effective and suitable provision is made for securing and maintaining, by the circulation of fresh air in each workroom, the adequate ventilation of the room.


Lighting (Section 50)

(1) An occupier shall ensure that effective provision is   made for securing and maintaining sufficient and suitable lighting, whether natural or artificial, in every part of his  workplace in which persons are working or passing.

(2) All glazed windows and skylights used for the lighting of workrooms shall, so far as practicable be kept clean on both the inner and outer surface and free from obstruction


Drainage of floors (Section 51)

Where any process is carried on which renders the floor liable to be wet to such an extent that the wet is capable of being removed by drainage, effective means shall be provided and maintained for draining off the wet.


Sanitary conveniences (Section 51)

(1) Sufficient and suitable sanitary conveniences for the persons employed in the workplace shall be provided, maintained and kept clean, and effective provision shall be made for lighting the conveniences; and, where persons of both sexes are or are intended to be employed (except in the case of workplaces where the only persons employed are members of the same family dwelling there), such conveniences shall afford proper separate accommodation for persons of each sex.

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