Checking for Quantity and Receiving of Goods

A typical receiving procedure consists of four steps:-

  1. Unloading and checking the shipment

The number of containers unloaded from the carriers‟ vehicle is checked against the carrier’s manifest (freight bill) to make certain the full consignment has been delivered. All containers are also inspected by the carrier’s representative and noted on the receipt which the receiving clerk signs failure to follow this procedure before accepting a shipment can relieve the carrier of all liability for concealed damage not evident until the container is unpacked.

  1. Unpacking and inspecting the material

A receiving clerk is held responsible for three verifications. First, he or she checks the material received against the sellers packing slip and against a copy of the firm’s purchase order to verify that the correct items have been shipped. Second, the quantity of shipment is verified in the same manner. Finally, the clerk inspects the general condition of the material to determine whether any external damage was incurred during shipment.

  1. Completion of the receiving report

The paperwork system used varies significantly from firm to firm. In some companies a receiving report form is produced as by-product when the purchase order is generated. When the receiving clerk has finished the inspection, he or she completes his form by recording the quantities of the items received, indicating those that are still open, and noting any other useful information on the form. In other firms that utilize a computerized purchasing/inventory system, the data is keyed directly into the computer system. The system then updates the order and inventory records and may also generate a receiving report in either hard copy or electronic form.

Regardless of the system used, operating groups generally require notification that the material has been received: the requisitioner, the purchasing department and the inspection department if technical inspection is required.

  1. Delivery of material

For non-stock materials, the receiving department is usually responsible for delivery- directly or via an internal delivery service. In the case of inventory materials, the practice varies. In some firms the receiving department is responsible for internal deliveries, while in others this function is performed by an internal transportation service. In still others, stores clerks are responsible for picking up their own materials.

Upon, delivery of the materials, the receipt customarily signs the receiving report or a delivery receipt, relieving clerk of further responsibility for material. It should be noted at this point in the discussion that in some firms not all delivered materials go through the receiving operation.

Some JIT purchasing shipments, some materials purchased from certified suppliers, and most credit card purchases are delivered directly to the point of use, by passing receiving.

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