Life Skills notes: KNEC Diploma

The youth face many challenges due to their physiological, psychological, social and economic circumstances.  This makes them a particularly vulnerable group.
This module unit is intended to equip them with knowledge, skills, attitudes and values that empower them to face realities of life.  It is hoped that this will enable them to take responsibility for their individual actions.
At the end of the unit is a list of teaching/learning activities, teaching/learning resources and evaluation methods that may be applied in the implementation of the syllabus unit.  The list is not exhaustive and the instructor is encouraged to explore other suitable methods.

Life Skills notes

These are the Topics that are covered in detail on the life skills notes subject in module I. Click on the topic title to open the notes.

Topic 1: Introduction to Life skills
Topic 2: Self Awareness
Topic 3: Self Esteem
Topic 4: Stress Management
Topic 5: Coping with Emotion
Topic 6: Empathy
Topic 7: Assertiveness
Topic 8: Negotiation
Topic 9: Non-Violent Conflict Resolution
Topic 10: Effective Decision Making
Topic 11: Critical Thinking
Topic 12: Creative Thinking
Topic 13: Problem Solving
Topic 14: Leisure
Topic 15: Time Management
Topic 16: Gender Education
Topic 17: Drug and Substance Abuse
Topic 18: HIV and AIDS
Topic 19: Child Labour
Topic 20: Child Rights
Topic 21: Relationships

After Passing this Paper the trainee is able to

  • Develop an awareness of every day demands and challenges through critical thinking
  • Deal with health problems, fears and anxieties about growing up, sexuality and relationships
  • Enhance self-esteem and assertiveness in relationships with peers and adults
  • Develop an appreciation of females and males as equal partners in society
  • Make optimum use of time available in order to improve the quality of life
  • Develop attitudes, values and skills that promote co-existence, positive, responsible and healthy life styles
  • Develop an understanding of support and a sense of care and responsibility for disadvantaged groups in the community


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