Various aspects of office stationery and furniture

Definition office stationery- is a general term referring to all writing materials used in the office e.g. papers, envelops, rubber, ribbon, stencil, correcting fluid, stamp pad etc.

It’s necessary to maintain effective control on use of stationery projects the correct image of the company

Stationery control

  • The stationery should be bought centrally and in bulk to secure quantity discount but overstocking should be avoided.
  • The issuing system must be planned properly to eliminate wasteful consumption as far as possible
  • The proper control over the use of stationery must be included in the duties of office supervision
  • The stock must be maintained as little as possible
  • The good quantity paper must be used for important documents to customer so as to maintain the company’s goodwill
  • The possible re-use of stationery items should be explored
  • The stationery storage must be arranges so as to prevent deterioration and to save space, lighting and heating
  • Stock levels must be set out to avoid running out of items of stationery or overstocking
  • Purchasing of stationery
  • Receipt of stationery
  • Bin card
  • Issue
  • Stock verification


Discuss the aspects of office furniture


office furniture consists of tables, chairs, desks and tools, storage and filing equipment like filing racks and cabinets, cupboard, lockers, safes etc.

Basic principles in selecting the furniture

  1. Suitability
  2. Comfort design
  3. Durability
  4. Weight
  5. Space
  6. Cost
  7. Hygiene
  8. Usefulness appearance

Types of furniture

1. Executive furniture

High officials have different tastes for furniture and the executive furniture is purchased according to their tastes
This is mainly to impress the visitors and it should add prestige of the person using it and the prestige of the firm

2. Built in furniture

In the present period, buildings are constructed in space-saving method. Cupboards are mainly built in the walls of the rooms
Thus expenditure is reduced and space is also saved. The cleaning job becomes easy because only the front portion needs to be cleaned

3. General furniture

General furniture is designed to facilitate the work of clerks. The size of a table depends upon the nature of the work to be performed. Different clerks may be doing different types of work. The clerk who works on the ledgers requires a big table and chair according to the requirements

Guidelines or principles to be considered when purchasing furniture

  • Only required furniture should be purchased and its cost should be within reasonable limits
  • Multi-purpose use should be considered while planning the purchase of furniture
  • The furniture should use the space economically
  • The design of the furniture should be aimed as maximum comfort and convenience of the users
  • The top of the table will be adequate to work with
  • The drawers should slide in and out smoothly
  • The edges of the furniture must be rounded off
  • The back of the chair should be adjustable
  • Clerks should not be placed face to face because it encourages conversation
  • The furniture should be adaptable, simple, durable etc.

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