“apprentice” means a person who is bound by a written contract to serve an employer for such period as the Board shall determine with a view to acquiring knowledge, including theory and practice, of a trade in which the employer is reciprocally bound to instruct that person; “Authority” means the National Industrial Training Authority established under section 3; “Board” means The National Industrial Training Board established under section 4;
- “Cabinet Secretary” means the Cabinet Secretary for the time being responsible for matters relating to labour;
- “Committee” means a Training Committee established under ITA
- “Director-General” means the Director-General of the Authority
- “employee” means a person employed for wages or salary and includes an apprentice, indentured learner, temporary, seasonal and casual worker;
- “employer” means any person, public body, firm, corporation or company who or which has entered into a contract of service to employ any person, and includes— an agent, foreman or manager; and an heir, successor, assignee or transferee of that person, public body, firm, corporation or company;
- “indentured learner” means a person, other than an apprentice, who is bound by a written contract to serve an employer for a determined period of not more than two years with a view to acquiring knowledge of a trade in which the employer is reciprocally bound to instruct that person;
- “Industrial attachment” means the placement of a person in a workplace for the purpose of gaining knowledge and practical skills;
- “Industrial training” means training for a specified industry;
- “Industry” means a trade, occupation, profession or an economic sector for which a training committee has been established for purposes of this Act;
- “Inspector” means an inspector appointed by the Minister
- “Minor” means a person under the age of eighteen years;
- “The minister” means the minister for the time being responsible for matters relating to labour; “trade” means a skilled occupation;
- “Trainer” means any person, firm, or institution registered under this Act
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