Scheduled Issues to Production Department from a Warehouse

In mass production concerns, with the cooperation of the production control departments or some other planning office, production materials are issued in quantities and at times to respond with the manufacturing programme. The goods concerned are usually collected into a marshalling area in the first place. Thereafter they may be dealt with in several different ways:

  • Collected from the storehouse by the production department.
  • Delivered by the storehouse staff to the point on the production lines at which the process of manufacture is to commence.
  • Transferred into „open-access‟ stores within the production shops.

Assemblies and kits

There are instances where composite issues of standard nature are required at frequent intervals.

This is mostly encountered in the assembly stores of production factories where balanced sets of parts are for assemblies or subassemblies included in the manufacturing program.

Imprest Issues

A list of certain types of materials in given quantities is approved to held either in a sub store or on a production line. Then at the end of given period, like a week or a month the user concerned will prepare a list of the materials consumed during that time and presents an appropriate issue document at the main storehouse for replacement to bring the Imprest stock up to the same level as it was at the beginning of the period. Arrangement used for supplying parts and materials to technicians who travel about in vans providing after sales services or repair facilities to customers.

Replacement Issues

Operators who are the common users would be required to present a used article to the storekeeper before a new one can be issued. It can be done with or without issue notes.

Loan Issues

Tools or pieces of equipment which are comparatively expensive and required for short period of use at frequent intervals such as ammeters, surveyors‟ chains instruments, electric headlamps, tap and die sets and special tools, are issued on loan from storehouses. The storekeeper will maintain a loan register for everything issued on loan from storehouses. The storekeeper will maintain a loan register for everything issued for workmen showing all loans made in date and order and signs for them when they return then to the store.

Issues to employees on repayment

Employees are issued with items such as tools, protective clothing, and firewood, e.t.c. Payment to be made either in cash or by deduction from wages. Storekeepers are instructed in writing as to the articles permitted and persons to whom they are sold. Lists of sale (original) showing the date of transaction, the employees name and numbers, vocabulary number, description and quantity of goods sold and signed by the purchaser are sent to the cashier to collect the money. A copy is used for posting the stock records and subsequently passed to the accounts section. A third copy is retained by storekeeper.

Allocated Issues

Materials received on a programmed delivery basis and kept for use only on production line for which they have been purchased will not be issued for any other work. The storekeeper must be informed of all allocations and enter appropriate particulars on stores records, and issues notes relating to allocated should indicate the purpose for which the items are required.

Capital Issues

Special attention is usually given to the control and recording of the issues capital material from storehouses. Instructions are given about the authorization of such issues, and stock records (including bin cards, if any) are marked to show that items concerned are reserved for capital project. The storekeeper checks that, when issue documents are presented to him, the capital project number quoted for cost allocation purposes corresponds with the project number, which appears in his records. Te procedure is the same to that described previously for allocated issues.

Bulk Issues

Issues made in set agreed quantities to designated departments. Material issued usually of low value high usage category such as industrial fastenings, small electronic components or cleaning materials. Materials normally placed in open access location in the user department so that staff can simply draw their requirements as and when they arise. Sometimes called „free issue.‟ The user is saved from making frequent issues from stores.

Delivery and collection

In respect of all internal stores issues, there should be clear instructions whether goods are to be delivered by storehouse staff, collected by the user, or handled by some third party such as the transport department. Any restrictions about stores opening hours be made known to all concerned.

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