Principles and Practice of Management (PPM) pdf notes

Topic 1: Introduction to Management

  • Meaning of management
  • Characteristics of management
  • Distinction between management and other disciplines
  • Distinction between a manager and a leader
  • Levels of management
  • Types of skills required to manage a business effectively
  • Role of manager
  • Importance of management
  • Functions of management

Topic 2: Evolution of Management Thought

  • Evolution of schools of management thought
  • System approach to management
  • Modem approaches to management

Topic 3: Planning Function

  • Nature of planning
  • Importance of planning
  • Types of plan
  • Process of managing and appraising by objectives
  • Process of decision-making

Topic 4: Organising Function

  • Nature and purpose of organisation
  • Levels and span of management
  • Patterns of departmentalization
  • Delegation
  • Centralization and decentralization of authority in an organisation
  • Use of committees and groups in decision-making in an organisation
  • Supervision

Topic 5: Leading/Directing Function

  • Relationship between management and human factor in directing/leading
  • Motivational factors of workers
  • Motivational theories and their relevance in management today
  • Leadership styles
  • Areas of communication breakdown in an organisation
  • Techniques of effective communication

Topic 6: Controlling Function

  • Meaning of control
  • Control process in an organisation
  • Critical control process in a given situation in an organisation
  • Types of critical point standards used in an organisation
  • Requirements of control system in an organisation
  • Control techniques
  • Concept of production and operation management control
  • Methods used in general performance control

Topic 7: Staffing

  • Meaning of Staffing
  • Activities in staffing

Topic 8: International Management

  • Meaning of international management
  • International business environments
  • Managerial functions in international business
  • Difference between international and domestic management
  • Attainment of global theory of management

Topic 9: Business Policy

  • Nature, scope and need for corporate strategic planning
  • Strategic options and decisions
  • Evaluations of strategic options
  • Measurement and control of corporate strategic performance
  • Techniques for corporate strategic planning
  • Corporate Social Responsibilities

Topic 10: Emerging Trends and Issues in Principles and Practices of management

  • Emerging trends and issues in management
  • Challenges posed by emerging trends and issues in theories and practice of management
  • Coping with challenges posed by the emerging trends and issues in management
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