Microprocessor systems notes

Microprocessor systems notes outline and the notes in pdf highlighted here. Microprocessor systems unit is examinable by Kenya national examination council KNEC together with microcontroller technology and is mainly taught in various courses highlighted below;

  • Diploma in electrical and electronic engineering power option
  • Diploma in electrical and electronic engineering instrumentation option
  • Diploma in electrical and electronic engineering telecommunication option




Topic 1: Microprocessor Architecture
Topic 2: Introduction to Assembly Language Programming
Topic 3: Input/Output Methods
Topic 4: Interrupts
Topic 5: Direct Memory Access
Topic 6: Interfacing Devices
Topic 7: Tools in assembly Language Programming
Topic 8: Control Structures Architecture
Topic 9: Microcomputer Development
Topic 10: Microprocessor Applications
Topic 11: Microprocessor Fault Diagnosis

1. Microprocessor Architecture

  • Organization of data registers
  • Operation of machine cycle

2. Assembly Language Programming

  • Machine cycle
  • Instruction format
  • Data transfer instruction programming
  • Data manipulation
  • Input/Output instructions
  • Machine control instructions
  • Transfer of control
  • Assembler directives
  • Addressing modes
  • Application programs

3. Input/ Output Methods

  • Operation of memory mapped input/ output
  • Programmed input/ output
  • Handshake input/ output
  • Polled input/ output

4. Interrupts

  • Need for interrupt
  • Operation for the interrupts
  • Types of interrupts
  • Application of interrupts

5. Direct Memory Access

  • Need for DMA
  • Operation of DMA
  • Operation of DMA controller

6. Interfacing Devices

  • Computer internal interface input/output devices
  • Serail and parallel ports

7. Tools in Assembly Language Programming

  • Tools in assembly language programming
  • Procedure for documentation

8. Control Structures Architecture

  • Progamming control levels
  • Micro programmed control units

9. Micro-computer Development

  • Development Aids
  • Concepts, features and facilities
  • Application of development aids in system development

10. Microprocessor Fault Diagnosis

  • Types of faults
  • Fault diagnosis equipment
  • Fault Finding Methods

Computer principles

This topic trainees will learn; The microprocessor system which consists of data input, storage, processing and output devices, under the control of a CPU. The CPU communicates with the main system chips via a shared set of address and data bus lines. The microcontroller provides most of the features of a conventional microprocessor system on one chip

This topic trainees will learn; terminologies, main memory, ROM, random access memory, memory organization, secondary memory, memory maps and memory timing

This topic trainees will learn; PIN diagram, microprocessor functional block diagram and instruction sets and assembly language programming.

Tools used in assembly language programming
This topic trainees will learn;
The following assembly language development tools:

  • Assembler.
  • Archiver.
  • Linker.
  • Library information archiver.
  • Absolute lister.
  • Cross-reference lister.
  • Object file display utility

This topic trainees will learn; Interface which is the path for communication between two components. Interfacing is of two. types, memory interfacing and I/O interfacing. Memory Interfacing. When we are executing any instruction, we need the microprocessor to access the memory for reading instruction codes and the data stored in the memory

This topic trainees will learn; The subroutine in the microprocessor which is a sequence of program instructions code that performs a particular task. This is packaged as a unit and used in a particular task when needed. A subroutine is a unit which is used in multiple times in different location

Fault diagnosis
This topic trainees will learn; troubleshooting tree, typical faults in microcomputer based systems and fault finding techniques.

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