Functions of the Directorate of Industrial Training


(1)  The Director- General of the Authority is the chief executive of the Authority, and secretary to the Board and the Committees.

(2)  The Director-General is appointed by the Board on such terms and conditions of service as the Board may determine.

(3)  The Director-General will hold office for one term of five years and shall be eligible for re-appointment for one further term of five years.

(4)  A person shall not be appointed Director-General unless that person—

(a) is a holder of a degree in the field of engineering, technology, administration, finance, technical or industrial education, from a recognized university; and

(b) has at least fifteen years working experience in a related field, five of which shall be in matters relating to industrial training.

(5)  The Director General subject to the directions of the Board,  is responsible for the day to day management of the Authority.

Training Committees

(1)  The Board may establish training committees to exercise functions of the Board in relation to training in specified industries.

(2)  A Committee shall consist of such number of persons appointed in writing as the Board may determine, to represent—

(a) Employers in the industry concerned;

(b) Employees in the industry concerned; and

(c) Other interests, and the Board shall appoint a chairperson and vice-chairperson of such Committee from amongst the members.

(3)  The chairman and other members of a Committee shall hold office for such period not exceeding three years as may be specified at the time of appointment, and a retiring member shall be eligible for reappointment.

Duties and functions of Committees

(1)  A Committee shall from time to time and whenever so directed by the Board submit to the Board proposals for the raising and collection of a training levy on employers

Employment of apprentices and indentured learners

Permission to employ apprentices

(1)  No person shall employ an apprentice without having first obtained the written permission of the Director-General so to do; and the Director-General’s permission shall specify the maximum number of apprentices who may be employed at any one time by the person to whom the permission is given.

(2)  No permission shall be given under this section unless the person applying therefor satisfies the Director-General that his establishment offers reasonable opportunities for the proper training of the apprentice or the number of apprentices proposed to be employed by him.

Permission to employ indentured learners

(1)  No person shall employ an indentured learner without having first obtained the written permission of the Director-General so to do; and the Director-General’s permission shall specify the maximum number of indentured learners who may be employed at any one time by the person to whom the permission is given.

(2)  No permission shall be given under this section unless the person applying therefor satisfies the Director-General that his establishment offers reasonable opportunities for the proper training of the indentured learner or the number of indentured learners proposed to be employed by him.

Legal provisions regarding Industrial attachment

(1)  A person who—

(a) Has attained the age of eighteen years;

(b) Is undergoing training in a programme requiring industrial attachment; and

(c) Is a lecturer or instructor in a training institution registered under this Act, or

(e) Has applied for industrial attachment and in the opinion of the Director- General may benefit from skills acquired in industry, may be admitted for industrial attachment.

(2)  A minor shall not be admitted for industrial attachment except with the consent of his parent or guardian or if there is no parent or guardian, with the consent of the Director-General.

(3)  An employer who wishes to admit any person for industrial attachment under this Act shall first obtain the written permission of the Director-General.

(4)  No permission shall be granted unless the employer satisfies the Director-General that the establishment to be used for industrial attachment offers reasonable opportunity for the proper training of the person or number of persons proposed for industrial attachment.


Registration of trainers

(1)  A person who wishes to be registered as a trainer under this Act shall apply for registration to the Director- General in the prescribed form.

(2)  No person shall be registered unless the trainer satisfies the Director-General that he offers reasonable facilities and opportunities for proper training in the field specified in the application.

(3)  For purposes of registration under this section, the Director-General may conduct such inspection or carry out such investigations as he may consider necessary.

(4)  A person who—

(a) Having been registered as a trainer under this section contravenes any conditions subject to which the registration was granted;

(b) Uses any unqualified persons for purposes of training under this Act;

(c) Issues a certificate to any person who has not completed training under this Act; or

(d) Issues any receipt, invoice or other document in respect of any training under this Act which contains any false particulars, shall be guilty of an offence.

(5)  The Director-General may deregister a trainer who contravenes the provisions of this section.

Medical examination of apprentices and indentured learners

Every person before entering into a contract of apprenticeship or indentured learnership shall be medically examined at the expense of the employer by a medical practitioner; and a medical certificate to the effect that the person is fit to be employed in the trade concerned shall be obtained by the employer.

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