Financial Accounting notes: KNEC diploma

Financial Accounting KNEC Diploma module unit study notes. Click on the topic File To open pdf notes
Topic 1: Introduction to Accounting
Topic 2: Accounting Concepts, Conventions and Bases
Topic 3: Source Documents
Topic 4: Books of Original Entry
Topic 5: The Ledger and the Trial Balance
Topic 6: Types of Errors and their Correction
Topic 7: Single entry and Incomplete Records
Topic 8: Final Accounts for Sole Proprietorship
Topic 9: Adjustments to Final Accounts
Topic 10: The Cashbook
Topic 11: Petty Cashbook
Topic 12: Bank Reconciliation Statements
Topic 13: Capital and Revenue Expenditure
Topic 14: Control Accounts
Topic 15: Accounting for Fixed Assets
Topic 16: Non-Profit Making Organizations
Topic 17: Emerging Trends and Issues in financial Accounting
At the end of the unit, the trainee should be able to:

  • Apply of accounting principles in business bookkeeping
  • Record financial information of an organisation
  • Detect and correct book keeping errors
  • Prepare final accounts for an organisation

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21 thoughts on “Financial Accounting notes: KNEC diploma”

  1. Hello i really need the soft copy complete notes for the following units in Supply chain management
    1. Economics
    2. Financial ACCOUNTING
    3. Warehousing and stock control
    4. Office organisation

  2. Hello am looking for notes on Financial accounting, Office organization module I.Supply chain management.

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