These are direct communications with carefully targeted individual consumers to obtain an immediate response and cultivate lasting customer relationships. The new direct marketing models include: advances in direct marketing include emergence of catalog companies, direct mailers and telemarketers.
Benefits and Growth of Direct Marketing
- Easier to know the current models in the market as per ones needs
- Convenient
- Wealth of comparative information is allowed.
- Interaction and immediate feedback is possible
- Privacy is enhanced.
- Enhances greater product access and selection.
- It is a tool for customer relationship buildings, better targeting and customerization.
- It can be timed to reach prospects at just right moment.
- Higher readership and response is enhanced.
- There are numerous internet and online benefits which one enjoys ranging from,
- Reduce costs and increased speed and efficiency.
- Avoids expenses of rent, insurance utilities (owning a store).
- Improve efficiency of channel and logistic functions.
- Costs less than communicating on paper through the mail
- Greater flexibility is enhanced in terms of production quotas and the needs of customers.
- It is usually a global medium-i.e. across all nations.
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