Workshop Technology/Production Processes Technology 1

Workshop Technology/Production Processes Technology 1


This module unit is designed to equip the trainee with knowledge, skills and attitudes in engineering production processes with emphasis on high quality finishing processes when using machine tools, and varied engineering materials.


Health and Safety

  • Importance of safety
  • Factors which enhance safety
  • Electrical hazards
  • Fire hazards
  • Factory Acts Abstract
  • Machine and personal safety

Engineering Materials

  • Types of engineering materials
  • Application of engineering materials
  • Production of metals
  • Properties of engineering materials
  • Material specification
  • Workshop tests
  • Safety precautions

Materials Handling and Waste Disposal

  • Methods of handling materials appropriately
  • The public procurement and disposal’s act 2005
  • Methods of disposing waste materials

Quality Control

  • Meaning of quality control
  • Procedure of work process
  • Good workmanship
  • Factors contributing to marketability of a product

Measuring, Marking Out and Inspection

  • Measuring, marking out and inspection tools
  • Parts of measuring instruments
  • Principles of measuring instruments
  • Gauge materials
  • Inspection tools
  • Nomenclature of marking out equipment
  • Materials for marking out equipment
  • Design features of equipment
  • Procedure for marking out
  • Care and maintenance of marking out measuring and inspection tools
  • Limits and fits
  • Types of fits
  • Uses of fits
  • Identification of fits
  • Types of tolerances
  • Calculation of clearances or interferences
  • Hand Cutting and Forming Tools

Hand and forming tools

  • Parts of hand tools
  • Materials for hand tools
  • Design features and construction
  • Use of hand tools
  • Care and maintenance

Machine Tools 1

  • Types of machine tools
  • Machine tool construction and accessories
  • Tool and work holding
  • Machine operations
  • Cutting tool design
  • Cutting fluids and lubrication
  • Care and maintenance
  • Safety

Culture of maintenance

  • Meaning of culture of maintenance
  • Need for maintenance
  • Types of maintenance

Metal Joining I

  • Joining methods
  • Tools and equipment
  • Procedure for making a joint
  • Defects in joints
  • Safety

Heat Treatment

  • Term heat treatment
  • Heat treatment effects
  • Heat treatment processes
  • Purpose of heat treatment
  • Heat treatment process for a given metal
  • Cooling media
  • Heat Treatment equipment
  • Safety precautions

Finishing Processes

  • Types of finishing processes
  • Techniques of finishing
  • Safety precautions
  • Care and maintenance of finishing tools and equipment

Limits and Fits

  • Types of fits
  • Uses of fits
  • Definition of common terms
  • Calculation of clearance and interferences

Sheet Metal Work

  • Sheet metal tools and their uses
  • Sheet metal materials and their uses
  • Sheet metal forming processes
  • Safety

Metal Joining II

  • Gas welding
  • Gas cutting
  • Manual metal arc welding
  • Metal Inert Gas (MIG) welding and
  • Tungsten Inert Gas (TIG) welding
  • Safety
  • Adhesives
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