Warehousing Operations and Stock Control notes – KNEC

Warehousing Operations and Stock Control

Topic 1: Introduction to warehousing

Topic 2: Receiving and Issuing Goods
Topic 3: Classification and Coding of Materials
Topic 4: Stock Location
Topic 5: Stores Layout
Topic 6: Materials Preservation
Topic 7: Packaging
Topic 8: Material Handling
Topic 9: Stock control
Topic 10: Stock Recording
Topic 11: Stock Taking
Topic 12: Safety and Security
Topic 13: Emerging issues and Trends in Warehousing and Stores Control

Warehousing and Stock control operations

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18 thoughts on “Warehousing Operations and Stock Control notes – KNEC”

  1. well summarised warehousing and stock operation notes. Thank you for sharing this.
    how can i download these pdf notes?

    1. Thank and Welcome. we are working to provide good notes on Warehousing Operations and Stock Control course in diploma, certificate and professional levl

  2. Am suggesting for the overall revision questions for warehousing.i prefer revisions much better 😇

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