Time Management


Time is the most valuable resource. By analyzing time usage on a regular basis it is possible to understand the most efficient ways to use time.

Time management refers to making the best use of time to achieve the max output in the time available.

It is the processes of exercising control over the amount of time spent on specific activities especially to increase efficiency.


This is a temporary organized plan for matters to be attended to. Planning for time is essential for any individual. If one plans well he or she will improve their productivity. Planning means bridging the gap between what one is and what he/she wants to be in future. In planning one has to evaluate the work before hand and see whether it can be accomplished within the available time and resources.

It is advisable to make a daily work schedule or a timetable. Record it inform of a diary and if possible try to live according to its prescription. Helpful tips include:

  • The work schedule should not be very rigid, change can be effected to suit ones needs
  • A daily work schedule need not be the same for different people even if they are involved in the same task
  • One should try to stick to the time allocated on his/her work schedule


i) List all your schedule items in column one of a day to include:-

  • Class time
  • Meal time
  • Exercise and games
  • Studying time
  • Cleaning time
  • Time to get up to bed
  • Leisure time

ii) At the end of the day write what you actually did in column 2 of that day so that you get a clear picture of what you did and if you manage your time

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