Stock Location Systems/Methods

Fixed location systems.

This is the traditional method which denotes the idea that “a place for everything and everything in its place” The storage location for each item is fixed. Public libraries mostly use this method.


  • Stores personnel will easily and quickly learn their way about the stores because there is a recognizable pattern to the various locations as they are not continually changed.
  • Because items of a similar nature will be adjacent to each other in the stores vocabulary, they are also likely to be stored near to each other thus further assisting the stores staff in finding materials.


  • It is not flexible.
  • This system does not recognize the different handling systems for different items.
  • It does not take into consideration the store ability characteristics of different items.

 NB: Where large stocks are kept, it is sometimes considered as desirable to split the total into two parts i.e. bulk and detail. Most of the stock, especially large and heavy items is then kept in the bulk store, and small quantities of every item in use are in the detail store. This arrangement reduces movement.

  1. Random location systems

Where items are fast moving, or storage space is scarce and expensive, it may be advantageous to use this method. In this system when a delivery is received it is placed in the first available space and that location is recorded in the computer. As soon as that space is emptied it is immediately available for new receipt of any item.

Zoned location storage

It is a combination of fixed and random storage in which items are assigned to random locations within a predestinated zone.

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