Reasons to consider when evaluating a viable business opportunity
- Potential profits
- Availability of market
- Availability of raw materials
- Amount of capital required
- Level of competition
- Security
- Government policy
- Level of development of infrastructure.
- Future growth
- Acceptance by the community
- Cost of capital
- Ability to manage
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Good revision questions . Have really helped me in my revision
Am afirst year in medical college and intake enterprenuership as a unit can you menter me so that I can pass with flying colours in that unit
Am a deferment year in baringo technical college and intake entreprepreneurship as a unit can you mentor me so that I can pass this paper with flying colors in this unit
I like your revision questions with answers…
Please help automotive engineering questions
I like your revision questions and answers… please help electrical engineering questions;craft level
It really help me , thank u so much
Entrepreneurship revision questions and answers and study notes and past papers.
Yes I want note of entrepreneurship
Revision is easier with the material
All questions of agricultural engineering unit and answers
I really like ur revision exactly
Am a final year student in Teacher Training College who want to set up a new business in my locality, please I need your support and encouragement to do this business.
Great 👌👌