Life Skills and Values Associated with Child Right

Life Skills

  • Self-awareness
  • Self esteem
  • Empathy
  • Negotiations
  • Assertiveness
  • Decision-making
  • Critical thinking
  • Creative thinking
  • Effective communication


  • Humility
  • Cooperation
  • Respect
  • Tolerance
  • Love
  • Responsibility
  • Honesty
  • Simplicity


They bare rights and freedoms that all people are entitled to regardless of nationality, age, sex, ethnic religion, race, religion, language or social status. Human rights are universal with all people having equal rights by ________ of being human they may exist as natural rights or as legal rights in both national and international law.

Every person is entitled to fundamental human rights simply by the fact of being human they are rights because there are things you are allowed to do or to have. Rights are for our protection, they also help us get along with other and live in peace.

The Kenyan constitution out lines the rights and freedom of an individual. These rights are derived UN (United Nation) declaration of human rights and have been widely adapted by many countries of the world.

Some of the rights include:-

  • Right to life.
  • Right to education.
  • Right to marry and raise a family.
  • Right to vote.
  • Right to work to provide for personal necesssities.
  • Protection of freedom of religion.
  • Protection of freedom of movement.
  • Protection from slavery and forced labor.
  • Protection of private property.
  • Protection of freedom of expression and speech.

Results/implications of violating human rights.

Political effects:

  1. Political
  2. corruption
  3. War within political leaders.
  4. Power overthrown of government.
  5. Choosing of wrong leaders.
  6. Police state—police entering into your house and throwing away property inside your house.
  7. Curfews i.e not entering a certain border.
  8. Detention without trials—denying people’s rights.
  9. Rigging of election.
  10. Civil wars __________.
  11. Censorship—when the state wants to control what they are watching, reading.
  12. Mass murder—many people being killed i.e. from one tribe.
  13. People are exiledto other countries.
  14. Underground movement—i.e. mungiki.
  15. Political assasination.

Social effects

  • Displacement of people.
  • Denial of right to educate.
  • Seperation of family partners.
  • Restricted from involving in cultural practises.
  • No chance for social gathering.
  • Denial of right to marry.
  • Involved or subjected to slavery.
  • discrimination
  • Female circumcision.
  • Child labor.
  • Children dropping out of school.
  • High level of corruption in a country.
  • Injustice—i.e. honest being jailed.
  • Early marriages.
  • Crimes like rape where alot of force is used when weak.
  • Destruction of property.

Economic effects

  1. Denial of freedom of trade.
  2. Denial of owning a property.
  3. Restriction to work.
  4. Poor infrastructure.
  5. Unjust wedges i.e. paying 3000 instead of 7000/=
  6. Poor productive i.e. under development in a country i.e. food
  7. Clashes of a scarce resources like water and pasture.


When human rights are not well known by people abuses can arise for example persecution, moral less, _____

Human rights violation

Human right violation occur when the state or individuals abuse ignore or deny others basic human rights.

Human rights abuses are monitored by UN committees, government and non-government organizations/including human international. These organizations collect evidence and documentation of alleged human rights abuses and applied pressure to enforce human right loss.

Continuation of definition of terms

Neglect – it is failure by a parent or career to meet a child basic needs such as safety food warmed in a way that affects their health development or safety.

Ratification – it’s signing a written agreement to make it official.

Labor- productive work especially physical toil due for wages.

Needs – basic human needs are those things that are required for complete physical and mental well being. They are divided into:-

Physical needs —these are needs for the survival of an individual. They include water, food, sleep, exercise, shelter, clothing

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