The main purpose for initiating project management is to:
- Focus the responsibility and authority for the attainment of the goals on anindividual or a group.
- Coordinate and integrate all activities that are responsive to the client and the environment.
- Identify and correct project problems at an early date to ensure competentcompletion.
- Make timely decisions about trade-offs between conflicting project goals.
- Products that are unique with a powerful competitive advantage over thecompetitors are availed.
- Inputs from diverse area of specialized knowledge help in developing newproducts, processes and services.
- Rapid expansion of technological possibilities is responded to satisfactorily.
- Non-routine activities into project management ensure that accountability is established, projects are properly planned and integrated with other related activities.
- Ensure that managers of the separate tasks that comprise the project do not optimize the performance of their individual tasks at the expense of the total project
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