- Definition of terms
- Typology of travellers
- Types of tourists
Classification of visitors & travellers
- International
- Domestic
- Residential
- Transient
Classification of Tourists – in terms of:
- Origin
- Distance
- Destination
- Interests/motivation
- Spending levels
- Age
Forms of tourism- In terms of:
- Environmental impacts
- Interest
- Origin & distance
Types of tours
- Escorted/Guided
- Independent
- Group
Hotels and Tourism
- Types of hotels
- Classification
- Types of rooms
- Room rates
Evolution of Tourism in the World
- Greek Period
- Industrial Revolution
- 20th Century
- Present
Evolution of Tourism in Kenya
- Early explorers
- Pre-independence
- Post-independence
- Structure of Tourism Industry in Kenya
Components of the Tourism Industry
- Industry components
- Role of the different components
Impacts of Tourism
- Economic impacts
- Socio-cultural impacts
- Environmental Impacts
- Management actions
- Sustainable tourism/ Alternative tourism forms
Tourism Motivation
- Needs and Wants
- Tourists’ decision-making process
- Travel motivators
- Travel facilitators
- Travel barriers and demotivators
Tourism institutions and Associations
- Introduction to Tourism governance in Kenya
- Role of the Ministry of Tourism & Wildlife
- Institutions in Tourism Act, No.28 of 2011
Other Tourism Institutions in Kenya and their roles :
- Kenya Association of Tour Operators
- Kenya Association of Travel Agents
- Kenya Tourist Federation
- Kenya Association of Hotel Keepers and Caterers
- Eco-tourism Society of Kenya
- Kenya Wildlife Service
Legal Aspects of Tourism in Kenya
- Definition of law
- Structure of the Court system in Kenya
- Aspects of Law of contract
- Tourism industry licencing Act
Emerging Trends in Tourism
- Identification of emerging trends
- Impacts of the emerging/current trends
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