Features of human want apart from the fact that they require resources to satisfy

Features of human want apart from the fact that they require resources to satisfy

  1. They are insatiable/endless/unlimited- The satisfaction of one human need leads to the need to still have it but in a more improved way. One has a car, for instance but still works hard to buy a better one.
  2. Some are universal- some human wants like food and clothing are common to all human beings
  3. They are complementary- Some human needs, once satisfied will require that others are also satisfied so as for it to work or serve its purpose. For instance if on acquires a car, he or she must buy fuel so that he car can run.
  4. They are repetitive/recurrent- Some human needs like hunger can only be satisfied temporarily
  5. They are habit forming/addictive- use of certain goods to satisfy some needs may lead to dependence on such substances
  6. They vary in urgency and intensity- Some human wants are more urgent than others
  7. They are dynamic- Human needs change with time, age, health status, social and even economic status
  8. They are competitive- Human wants always compete for attention. Each would like to be satisfied first.

competing wants

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