Creating an Ethical Organization Culture

1. Be a visible role model

Employees will look to top management behavior as bench mark for defining appropriate behavior.

2. Communicate ethical expectations

Ethnical ambiguities can be minimized by creating and disseminating an organizational code of ethics. It should state the organization’s primary values and ethical rules that employees are expected to follow.

3. Provide ethical training

Set up seminars ,workshops and ethical training programs .Use the training sessions to reinforce the organization’s primary values, rules and standard of conduct .

4. Visibility rewards to ethical acts and punish unethical ones

Performance appraisals of managers should include a point by point evaluation of how his or her decisions measure up against the organization code of ethics .People who act ethically should be visibly rewarded for their behavior and unethical acts should be punished .

5. Provide protective mechanisms

The organization needs to provide formal mechanisms so that employees can discuss ethical dilemmas and report unethical behaviour without fear of reprimand.


Creating a Culture

A culture is created basically by a founder or top-level manager who forms a core group that shares a common vision .

Stage I

  1. Recruitment of like minded individuals: These people will be attracted instinctively to the founder’s visions and aims.
  2. The development of groups norms: These are likely to be strongly influenced by founders in the formative stages
  3. Statement of espoused values: The founders or initiators will have the greatest influence on these values in the early stages , subsequently, the organizations leadership must demonstrate to other stakeholders that what is saying truly believes and not accordingly .
  4. Production of mission statement: These provides visible evidence of espoused values and norms and the platform for the organization’s relationships with various stakeholders.

Stage 2

These comprise of habit and tradition building activities, aimed at embedding the culture in the day to day activities of the organizations by means of procedural and ritualistic measures such as:

  1. The introduction of appropriate communication systems and decision making to assist integration
  2. The installation of organizational procedures and rules which promotes integration by setting standards for members to follow.
  3. Promotion of organization symbols Battle flags national emblems demonstrates the unity of the organization which come to embody a certain reputation e.g. Red Cross.
  4. Development of key rituals, helps to establish the organizations ethos’s i.e.- the part of culture to do with organization climate.
  5. The production of policy statements on the key issues .These lay the basis for relations with stakeholders.

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