Care and Support of the Infected and Affected

This entails assisting those infected when they are unable to do things for themselves e.g. cooking, washing them, giving them medicine, dressing wounds, sun bathing etc.

The care providers should however take precautions to avoid infection, especially by avoiding direct contact with the infected person’s body fluids

Emotional Support

  • Need to be loved and appreciated
  • Showing them empathy
  • Need to be encouraged to think positively
  • Need to encourage them to talk freely
  • Being available for them
  • Involving them in decision making at home
  • Need to be respected

Helping them to Develop a Positive Mental Attitude

  • Help them deal with self-stigma
  • Provide spiritual support
  • Need to free them from fear and shame

Material and Financial Support

  • Give them material and financial support as most of them will have lost their source of income
  • Help them start alternative Income Generating Activities (I. G. )

Anti-Retro Viral Therapy

Anti-Retro Viral Therapy for HIV infection consists of drugs, which work by slowing down the reproduction of HIV in the body. This is only possible after one has known his or her HIV status. ARVs treatment should be sought from a recognized medical facility or practitioner. Those on ARVs should strive to adhere to the prescribed dosage.

Stress Related to HIV &AIDS

When people realize that they are HIV positive they suffer the feeling of great loss and they become devastated. Further these people:

  • Suffer from shock
  • Live in denial (refuse to acknowledge reality)
  • Become disorganized
  • Have a feeling of guilt (blame themselves for having infected with the virus, even when they are not responsible)
  • Become anxious and suffer panic attacks
  • Become aggressive (they become hostile)
  • Reach solution (this happens when they accept their situation especially if counseled)
  • Start reintegration (to take responsibility to reorganize their new lives)

When they are going through this, their stress levels rise and they need to be assisted to reduce it by:

  • Getting emotional support
  • Trying medication
  • Connecting with nature – taking a walk among natural things like trees
  • Getting enough vitamins
  • Establishing strict bed time routine
  • Crying, if they feel like, in order to release pent up emotions
  • Doing something nice to another person

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