Introduction to ICT and Ethics past paper November 2021 with Answers

Introduction to ICT and Ethics past paper November 2021
KNEC Diploma in ICT
Module I


a) Outline four advantages of the outsourcing method of acquiring computer services (4 marks) – Click here to view the Answers
b) Describe three benefits of flash disk as a storage device (6 marks) – Click here to view the Answers
c) Distinguish between defragmenter and debugger as used in computers (4 marks) – Click here to view the Answers
d) Sofia, a secretary at a technical institute, has low self-esteem. Explain three ways she could deal with this (6 marks) – Click here to view the Answers


a) Outline three positive effects of information communication technology to a college student (3 marks) – Click here to view the Answers
b) Figure 1 shows a computer inputs device. Use it to answer the question that follows

computer input device

(i)Identify the device shown in the figure 1 (1 marks)
(ii)Explain two advantages of the device identified in (i) (4 marks) – Click here to view the Answers
c) Explain three possible reasons that lead to unethical behavior in information communication technology. (6 marks) – Click here to view the Answers
d) A programmer is developing a computer program for an organization using a high-level language. Describe three characteristics of such languages (6 marks) – Click here to view the Answers


a) Outline four advantages of a mesh computer network topology. (4 marks)
b) Differentiate between minicomputer and microcomputer. (4 marks)
c) George has noticed that his computer has been infected by a virus. Explain three cyber-crimes that could have been committed. (6 marks)
d) Plains Technical Institute computers have been attacked through the internet. Explain three cyber-crimes that could have been committed (6 marks)


a) Outline four types of Read Only Memory (ROM). (4 marks) – Click here to view the Answers
b) Distinguish between compromising and collaborating conflict management techniques (4 marks) – Click here to view the Answers
c) Delight company intends to hire a network administrator. Explain three skills that this computer personnel should posses. (6 marks) – Click here to view the Answers
d) Explain three circumstances under which a company could use telecommuting (6 marks) – Click here to view the Answers


a) Outline four ways a student could manage stress (4 marks) – Click here to view the Answers
b) Describe each of the following terms as used in information communication technology
(i) Information privacy; (2 marks)
(iii)Copyright (2 marks)
(iv)Data protection (2 marks) – Click here to view the Answers

c) Distinguish between dumb and intelligent terminal (4 marks) – Click here to view the Answers
d) Juck technical institute of technology has been undertaking unsuccessful social responsibility programme. Explain three possible causes of this failure (6 marks) – Click here to view the Answers


a) Outline four benefits that a student could accrue from good time management (4 marks) – Click here to view the Answers
b) Amani counselling clinic has been handling many domestic conflicts issues among its workers. Explain three possible causes of such conflicts (6 marks) – Click here to view the Answers
c) Figure 2 shows a computer port, use it to answer the question that follows

Computer ports

i) Identify each of the ports depicted in the figure (2 marks)
ii) Explain one use of each of the port identified in (i) (4 marks) – Click here to view the Answers
d) Julius installed an application software in his computer. Describe two classes of this software that he could have installed (4 marks) – Click here to view the Answers


a) Outline four types of people skills that should be possessed by an information communication technology graduate. (4 marks) – Click here to view the Answers
b) Explain three circumstances that could necessitate the use of a batch method of processing data (6 marks) – Click here to view the Answers
c) Differentiate between logical and physical access controls as used in data security (4 marks) – Click here to view the Answers
d) Jacob, an ICT manager in a company, advised the management to acquire a mainframe computer for networking. Explain three reasons that could have led to this advice. (6 marks) – Click here to view the Answers


a) Explain three characteristics of real-time data processing method (6 marks) – Click here to view the Answers
b) Explain two circumstances that could lead to upgrading of a computer hard disk (4 marks) – Click here to view the Answers
c) An ICT technician prefers to use a fiber optic cable in a computer network. Explain the reasons for this preference (6 marks) – Click here to view the Answers
d) A company used ICT legislation and guideline in developing its policy. Outline four sources of this legislation and guidelines (4 marks) – Click here to view the Answers

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