Uses of ICT Equipment

The following are some of the benefits associated with the various ICT tools :

1. The Phone

The phone is used to communicate verbally with customers and suppliers.  This includes both the fixed line and mobile phones Other than verbal communication, the mobile phone is also used for sending and receiving messages, sending and receiving money e.g. MPesa.

Benefits of a mobile phone

  • It is affordable
  • It is easy to use and any one can understand its functions
  • It is portable and therefore can be used anywhere at any time
  • It is efficient because feedback is immediate
  • It can be used in extreme remote areas as long as the network coverage is available

2. Radio

  • This is a very effective way to advertise a business
  • It is quite inexpensive and can reach a wide audience
  • Some communities have local radio service stations and the small business may use this service to advertise its products or services where the entrepreneur may be interviewed during a programme. Examples of such radio service stations are; Inooro FM, Murembe FM and Ramogi FM

3. Television

A small business may use the television as a tool for sourcing technological information, new products/services, market trends and general information that will assist the entrepreneur to run his business.

4. Print Media

Examples of such are; newspapers, advertising papers/magazines and business directories.

Newspapers e.g. the local dailies(The Nation) which the business enterprise can use to ;

  • Advertise their products/services
  • Get information on market trends
  • Access information on new technology, new products/services
  • Access information on political and economic trends in the country

Advertising Magazines/Papers/Journals/Business directories

These are useful tools for advertising products/services/ location of the business enterprise

5. The Fax machine

This is short of “facsimile machine”.  This is a machine that allows transferring a copy of a document through the telephone line.  Both the person sending and receiving it must have a fax machine.

Benefits of the fax machine to small business

  • The message sent is received instantly
  • If one is dealing with people far away, the fax can be a less expensive means of communication
  • The sent copy is like the original copy
  • A message sent through a fax machine confirms in writing anything that has been      previously agreed on verbally

6. The Computer

This is one of the modern ways of communicating and advertising in use.  It can be used in the following ways;

  • Word processing – writing letters or receipts
  • Storing information – financial data, customers addresses, suppliers addresses
  • Keeping track of records – purchases and sales
  • Reminder messages – products or service delivery dates
  • Generating advertising leaflets, posters or flyers
  • Generating financial statements
  • E-business – this is publicizing the business through the Internet

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