86 thoughts on “KNEC Past Papers”

  1. Please send knec papers and revision notes in diploma in electrical and electronics engineering module 1

  2. Am unable to buy books for personal study kindly advice me on how I can get material information to improve my education and studies

    1. Plz send knec past papers for business pp1,2,3geog pp 1,2,3 education pp1,2,3 phe 123 diploma secondary option

          1. Hi please notess and knec past papers on craft in mechanical engineering vehicle body work and vehicle technology

      1. Knec past papers on diploma in Maritime transport and logistics
        Ports and terminals
        Communication skills
        Financial Accounting

  3. I need revising material for mechanical engineering (production) notes and questions paper for all units

  4. needed to be helped with the following past papers for units: cost accounting, total quality management, inventory management, procurement for construction work, warehousing operation, procurement and supply relationship and finally sourcing in procurement
    for my revision purpose.

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