History of Entrepreneurship in Kenya

In Kenya the concept of entrepreneurship was embraced at the end of the 1980’s and early 1990.  This was as a result of the international labour organisation (ILO) working in conjunction with the governments and private sector institutions in the projects related to SME development and vocational education.  Entrepreneurship education was seen as an important element to develop entrepreneurial attitudes.  However, no specific trainings were available.

To close this gap, funds were provided by ILO Geneva in 1996, to develop a training package for TIVET Institutions; that included entrepreneurship education and business skills.

History of entrepreneurship in Kenya started as a pioneer project borne out of the collaboration among university of Illinois, International Labour Organisation (ILO), UNDP and KTTC, in 1990.  It was offered at Masters and PhD levels by the University of Illinois and KTTC provided the premises and conducive learning environment.  In 1992 the program was transferred to Jomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture and Technology (JKUAT) while at KTTC started its first higher diploma class   in 1993.  The first class was sponsored by ILO.  Since 1995 students have been paying fees on  their   own without sponsorship. Otherwise it was, and still is a popular course. satisfaction especially with those students who have been attached and  apprenticed at their organisations.

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