Employee Training notes

Employee Training   

  • Meaning of employee training
  • Importance of employee training
  • Process of employee training
  • Techniques of employee training
  • Methods of training employees



Definition of terms

It is any process by which the aptitudes (talents), skills and abilities of employees are increased. Training is narrow and it’s short-term.

It’s a long-term education process utilizing systematic and organized procedures by which managerial personnel loan conceptual (ideas and theoretical knowledge for general purpose

It’s the process of increasing the general knowledge and understanding of employees. It is broad and is long-term.


1. Higher productivity
Training helps to improve the level of performance. Trained employees perform better by using better methods of work.

2. Better quality of work
The best methods are made uniform and taught to employees. This helps to improve the quality of the product or service. Employees are less likely to make operational mistakes.

3. Less learning period.

4. Cost reduction
Trained employees make more economical use of materials and machinery. Reduction in wastage increase productivity and minimize cost of operation. There are also fewer machine breakdowns and better handling of equipments. Thus reducing maintaining cost.

5. Reduces supervision
Employees tend to be self reliant, motivated, need less guidance and control. Therefore supervisors can supervise many employees.

6. Low accident rate
Trained employees adopt the right work methods and prescribed safety devices.

7. High morale
Proper training can develop positive attitude among employees. It reduces grievances and there is job satisfaction.

8. Personal growth
Training analysis the knowledge and skills of employees. They can then grow faster in their career and reduces stagnation of knowledge and skills. Employees can be promoted and even become future managers.

9. Organizational climate
It sounds training programme improves the climate of an organization. Industrial relations and discipline are improved. Authority can be delegated and resistance to change is reduced. There is less turnover and absenteeism.


1. Training helps to improve the self confidence of an employee. It enables him to approach and perform his job with enthusiasm.
2. Higher earnings. Trained employees can perform better and therefore earn more.
3. Training helps employees to use various safety devices and so become less prone to accidents.
4. It enables employees to adapt with an aim to changes in work procedures and methods.
5. Employees can develop themselves and earn promotions.
6. Training develops new knowledge and skills among employees. They become a variable asset to an employee and remain permanently with him.


1. Orientation training
It seeks to adjust newly appointed employees to the work environment. It’s also called induction training. Every new’ employee needs to be made familiar with the job, supervisors, subordinates and the rules and regulation of the organization. It creates self confidence in employees. It is however brief but informative.

2. Job training
It refers to the training provided a view to increase knowledge and skills of an employees

So as to improve performance on the job e.g. correct methods of handling equipments, machines etc.

3. Safety training
It is provided to minimize accidents and damage to machinery. It involves instructions on the use of safety devices and safety consciousness.

4. Promotional training
This is training of existing employees to enable them to perform higher level jobs. Employees with potential are selected and trained so that they do not find into difficulties, should they be given higher responsibilities.

5. Refresher training
When existing methods become obsolete due to development of better techniques, employees have to be trained in the use of the new methods and techniques. This training is designed to update the skills of existing employees.

6. Remedial training
This training is organized to overcome the shortcomings in the performance of old employees. Some of them might have placed up appropriate methods and so these employees are identified and the correct methods are taught to the other employees.


1. On-the-job training (OJT)
The employee is placed on a regular job and taught the skills necessary to perform. The trainee learns under the guidance and supervision of an instructor/supervisor. They learn by- observing and doing the job.

Several methods are used like coaching, job rotation, committee assignment etc.

1. The trainee learns in a real job environment and gets a feel of the actual job. He is better Motivated to learn and easily transfers the training skills to the jobs.
2. It is very economical because no additional space, equips personnel or other facilities are Required for training.
3. The trainee learns the values, regulations and procedures by observing day to day activities.
4. Supervisors take an active part in training.
5. It is the most suitable method for teaching knowledge and skills in a short time.


1. The trainee finds it difficult to concentrate due to noise of the actual work place.
2. This method is normally not an organized one also the instructor may not be a good trainer.
3. The trainee may cause damage to costly materials and equipments.

2. Vestibule training
A training centre called vestibule is set up and actual job conditions are duplicated or simulated. Expert trainers are employed to provide training in equipments and machines identical with those at the work place.

1. The trainee can concentrate on learning without disturbance of workplace noise.
2. The trainee is motivated real job conditions are duplicated.
3. It comes in hand where on the job training might result in serious injury or destruction of Property e.g. aeronautical.
4. Correct methods are taught effectively.
5. It permits the trainee to practice without fear of being observed by the superior/co-worker.
6. It is efficient for training a large number of employees doing the same work at the same time.

1. It’s expensive due to experts, equipments, and classroom.
2. The trainee does not get the real feel of job as the situation is somehow artificial.

3. Apprenticeship training
Theoretical instruction and practical learning are provided to trainee in training institute the aim is to develop all round craftsmen.

1. It combines theory and practice.
2. There is acquisition of skills variable in the job market.
3. It provides skilled workforce to the industry.

1. Its time consuming and expensive (1-5 yrs)
• It is the oldest method of training.
• Areas of training include printers, carpenters, weavers, jewelers, mechanics etc.
• A small allowance is paid during the training period.

4. Classroom training
• Training is provided in company classroom or institutions.
• Lecturer’s case studies, group discussions, audio visual aids are used.
• Useful for teaching concepts and problem solving skills.
• Useful for management courses.

5. Internship training
• It is a joint problem of training where educational institutions and organizations cooperate.
• Selected candidates have regular studies for a prescribed period. They also work in some factory or office to acquire practical knowledge and skills.
• It helps to provide a good balance between theory and practice.

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