Emerging Issues and Trends notes

Emerging Issues and Trends

  • Emerging issues and trends
  • Challenges posed by emerging issues and trends
  • Ways of coping with challenges posed by emerging issues and trends



History has proved that the process of change is inevitable. Business and life are all about changing and adapting to new7 environment. The global economy is undergoing environmental and business transformations which have swept across organizations, societies and economies. Due to these changes human resource management has been called upon to respond to these issues and trends that are affecting their discipline.

1) Globalization
This refers to the free flow of goods, services, technology, labor, capital, information across national boundaries.

The melting of business barriers among nations are their increasing interconnectedness has led to a change in the world order that has led to a major impact on global business.
Managers now have to work in a boundary less world. There is no territory or barriers in export and import business. This has invited competition locally with local competition now have to compete with global competitors.

2) Technological advancements
This is the application of science in business. Technology has developed beyond the expectations of anybody in the world over the last 100 years. Tremendous advancements have been made in Productivity distribution and (IT). Organizations are becoming more innovative as they are technology driven. Customers are reached around supply chains managed through websites. Human resource management has used this knowledge in organization passed, work, product and Service delivery to achieve in group production, quality, reduced cost and innovation for competitive advantage e.g. use of technology in training and development of employees, in recruitment process e.g. of salaries, managing employees records and in communication e.g. emails, Skype, e-learning. Technology has led to job loss

3) Cooperate Social Responsibility (CRS)
This means the responsibilities that an organization takes to their customers, employees, communities and the environment around them for the purpose of reducing risks or as a true source of competitive advantage in the market Organizations conduct their business in an ethical way taking into account the social, environmental and economical impacts of how they operate. The scope of Cooperate Social responsibility includes;

a) To the community
Development of skills and education, employability, support for community initiatives and being responsible and safe neighbors.

b) To the environment
It reduces adapting environment systems to address rapid climate change and use of resources.

c) At the market
Include research and culprit, procurement and supply chain, responsible selling, marketing and product safety.

d) At work place
It involves effective internal communication training, health and safety and improving the well being of employees.

4) Employment of employees
The role of difference between managers and workers has harrowed down. Employees are now getting more freedom to plan and schedule their work.

Management is demonstrating that people are valued, they are sharing their leadership vision, goals providing information for decision making, delegating authority and providing opportunities, producing frequent feedback and employee’s rights are more recognized.

5) Workforce diversity
This refers to different issues accruing at the workplace such as difference in race, age, gender, values, religion, culture, education background, race etc. has manager has to deal with for productivity to happen.

6) Work-life balance
This is a broad concept that includes proper prioritizing between work/career on one hand and other areas of an employee life on the other hand e.g. family, religion, health etc e.g. flexi-time- programme (so that employees can have more time with their families). An employee can come in early e.g. 7a.m. and leave early e.g. 4p.m.

7) The changing role of manager
A manager is now expected to be a leader, helper, motivator, mentor, coach, facilitate training, partner with the organization and network with other organizations. They should however give direction. Top management needs to be role models, ethical, accountable and responsible.

8) Changing organizational structures
Structural changes are being experienced by organizations to improve their performance and to cut down cost. They include;

a) Vital organizations
They are loosely linked by global networks and are highly decentralized. There are international teams and international pools of talents.

b) Flatter organizational structure
Organizations are becoming less hierarchical. Organizations are becoming flatter instead of taller. They are characterized by large groups at fewer levels, flexible small units with low levels of management. This way decisions are decentralized, quick information flow and communication.

9) Outsourcing
Organizations are contracting their non-care functions to specialists or 3rd parties to manager

Processes like, human resource, transport, tinaces, welfare issues e.g. food. This is to reduce
Cost and also give the organization an opportunity to concentrate on its core business.

10) Quality assurance and productivity
Quality is the ability of a product to satisfy customer needs. How to improve quality and assurance customers has become a great challenge for management.

11) Talent management
Finding and retaining quality talents continues to be essential to the sustainability ot business. Most countries and industries are experiencing a widening talent gap for highly skilled positions and for the next generation.

12) Telecommunication
13) Knowledge workers
14) Better communication
15) Managing a large workforce as per


1. Training employees e.g. technology, diversity quality
2. Training of managers in leadership management skills.
3. Companies producing higher quality products and services.
4. Creativity.
5. Employee’s participation.
6. Policy development e.g. diversity, teamwork.
7. Global horticultural understanding.
8. Multiple language competences.
9. Effective leadership.
10. Building networks.
11. Stress management
12. Proper human resource planning and getting alternative employment for employees

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