Diploma in Cooperative Management
Cooperative Banking
Topics covered:
1. Purpose and structure of co-op banking
- Purposes of co-op banking
- Structure of co-op banking in Kenya
- Organisation charts of various co-op financial organisation
- Roles of various financial organisations in the co-op sector.
2. Credit programmes and policies
- Definition of the term credit
- Sources of loaniable funds
- distinction between production and consumption loan credit programmes
- conditions for participation in credit programmes
- criteria for classification of loans
- credit policy for union banking section and Saccos
3. Loan package of loan funds
- what is a loan package
- preparation of loan package and loan priority list
- importance of loan package and priority list
4. Acquisition of loan funds
- procedure for loan application in co-op bank of Kenya
- Union banking section
- member qualification
- upper loan limit
i. Short term
ii. Medium term (phase I)
iii. Medium term (phase II) - Contents of loan application form
- Loan granting procedure
5. loan withdrawal and recording procedure
- withdrawal procedure
- loan recording
- loan reconciliation
6. loan repayment
- explanation of loan terms
- causes of loan default
- minimisation of loan default
- consequences of loan default
7. co-operative saving scheme
- Meaning of co-op saving scheme
- Historical background of co-op saving scheme
- Purpose of co-op saving scheme
- conditions for participations in co-op savings scheme
8. Union banking system
- Factors necessary for establishing a UBS
- Visibility studies for UBS
- Centralised and decentralized members savings
- Advantages and disadvantages of centralised and decentralized banking system
9. Union banking services
- Savings account services
- Conditions for opening and operating savings a/c
- Members savings account and members personal account
- opening of a member savings a/c, personal a/c
- posting of transactions of members savings a/c and members personal/c
11. Reconciliation
- Definition of the term reconciliation
- importance of reconciliation
- opening and posting into various a/cs
12. liquidity and investment
- Meaning of the term liquidity
- preparation of cash inflow and cash outflow
- calculation of liquidity margin
- action taken on the basis of above calculations
- priority consideration in investment
13. Profitability margin
- explanation of profitability margin
- sources of capital in the UBS
- calculation on rate of returns on capital utilised
- composition of capital utilised
- calculation of cost of capital employed
- calculation of the grass interest margin
- actions arising from the gross interest margin
14. Security Arrangements
- Physical security measures in the UBS
- Control measure in the UBS
- Insurance requirement in the UBS
15. Structure and Daily Operations Of Saccos
- Functions/roles of various people in the Saccos
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I need the entire diploma in cooperative management notes
Kindly i need the entire notes za cooperative banking diploma
Kindly I need the entire notes for cooperative management
Please I need the entire pdf notes on cooperative banking diploma
I need cooperative banking notes now