Reasons why modern government offices have adopted the open office layout as opposed to enclosed plan layout

Reasons why modern government offices have adopted the open office layout as opposed to enclosed plan layout

  • Bid to curb corruption/menace/problem
  • Exposed public officers are discouraged from soliciting for bribes from clients
  • Limited machines like telephones,printers can be sgherd by the government staff.this reduces the cost of operation
  • Creates team work spirit because workers consult each other regularly and increases productivity in the office
  • It is easy to supervise employees fro m one location as opposed to management by walking around hence reducing time wastage
  • It reduces/eliminates absentism of employees from their place of increases man hour at work place
  • It reduces bureaucracy/red – tape when dealing with senior staff. some emerging issues are solved by top management fast as they arise
  • Discourages absenteeism by employees
  • Staff movement is minimized thus saving time used in passing information.
  • Office equipments and machinery are not misused due to close supervision of workers
  • Construction cost is low because partitions are few

Advantages of landscape office layout to an organization

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